For Valentine’s Day or any day really.
Over almost 4 years, I’ve been collecting a list of many of the recessional and processional songs that couples at Elope 253 have chosen for their wedding music. These are songs that have special meaning to them and really embraces how they feel. They have inspired me over the years and now, I have two fairly substantial playlists of fantastic love songs. Whether you need to set a mood or if you are searching for ideas for your own recessional or processional songs, I hope you enjoy these collections as much as I do.
These songs tend to be a bit slower, soulful & more romantic.
Recessional Songs
These songs tend to be more celebratory, upbeat & joyful!
*If you and yours eloped at Elope 253 and don’t see your song on the list, please let me know and I will get it added ASAP.